Sony Ericsson launches own channel on Android Market

Sony Ericsson is the first mobile manufacturer to launch its own channel in the Android Market. The update that started rolling out earlier today replaces the ‘My apps’ icon in the Android Market for ‘Sony Ericsson’. 
It should start to become available starting from today. It is an operator dependant feature though so it will not be there for u but most of you will get it. What it means is that the “My Apps” option in Android Market is replaced by a link to Sonyericson's specific channel. (Don’t worry – “My Apps” is still available as well if you press the menu key.)

They will  use this channel for many things, as a starting point this as it is their plan:
- Provide recommendations to help you find the best games & apps that enhance your Sony Ericsson ‘most entertaining’ experience.
- Provide a way to easily find original apps from Sony Ericsson such as Timescape plugins etc.
- From time to time offer exclusive games & apps only available in this channel.
- Help  developer partners promote their apps & games giving them a highlighted market space to our consumers.
Navigating through Android Market finding the right stuff is sometimes a bit tricky and this will give them a unique opportunity to more easily help consumers finding the stuff that we often get asked about or things that we know really enhances the user experience of our phones.


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